Thursday, March 11, 2010

On "Work Time"

Since our blog posts are usually supposed to be about something we have done in class that week, I choose to write about work time today.

Perhaps a poem would be most fitting:
Work Time
To everything there is a season
A time to read
A time to write
A time to read more
A time to rhetorically analyze
A time to read for fun
But not when you have too much reading
A time to write more
A time to write about what you've read
A time to re-read what you read yesterday
A time to read what you wrote again
A time to re-write what you wrote
A time to read what someone else wrote that you read two days ago
A time to write about what you read about what your classmate wrote after you read what you wrote in analysis of what said classmate wrote about what he or she read while picking out literary strategies in his or her own writing about a reading that we had done which was written by someone who read what you wrote on Monday.
This is work time.
A time to read.
A time to read.
A time to blog.
A time to read.
A time to stop reading because your eyes hurt too much.
A time when you have to start sitting in the front of the class in all your other classes because it hurts your eyes to wear your glasses because you've read way too much of what other people wrote.
A time for peace.
A time to heal those eyes.
A time to relax and listen to some music.
A time to try to listen to music while reading.
A time to start tapping your foot and singing along to the music while you're reading and realize two pages latter that you don't know what you just read.

Just a few thoughts.

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