Monday, November 2, 2009

A quick note on satire

I don't mean to pick on my class, perhaps its my own shortcomings, but I wrote my Op-ed piece as a satire, and no one picked it up.

I intended my op-ed to be a satire on big government programs with hints at the healthcare bill etc. I thought it was a fairly scathing satire with comparisons to the Soviet Union, the Taliban, and some ridiculous arguments like how I was twisting free speech to be a bad thing. However, of four peer editors, none realized my argument was satirical. All of them thought I was arguing for a "universal media" rather than degrading the idea of state-supported and controlled media.

Assuming I did a halfway decent job of making the piece satirical (hopefully I did), there's a problem with the way people are reading things. Everyone is too serious. If this trend is widespread, I could post articles from the Onion all over and people would think they're legit news!!

In the future, be careful to take everything you read lightly and with a grain of humor!


  1. I take everything with a "grain of humor"; sometimes it's the best way to survive. Sorry, that was emo. I mean too, though, that I have gotten dirty looks for laughing during standardized tests.

    Something else I do, though, is write many things too subtly. I haven't read your piece, so I can't criticize it, but if it were mine I would ask myself some questions: While I was writing, did I wrongly assume that things would be as clear for the reader as they were in my mind? Did I assume that the reader would get it because he or she knows me? There can be problems. But hey, maybe it's just not your fault at all. You're just tragically misunderstood!

  2. Can you post it so we can read it?
