Sunday, October 11, 2009


I'm sitting in my dining room right now getting ready to write my definition essay. I was sidetracked by the realization that I hadn't done a blog post yet this week so I hopped on to write this.

The essays we read in class for examples were all very interesting. The two poverty ones and the music one were my favorites.

As I sit here trying to figure out what I should write about, I come across a few topics. One that seems to come to mind immediately is virtue and value. I'm sick of writing about that though. In the past three weeks, I've written three college essays on that topic and used a definition argument on virtue in my DBQ for AP Euro this Friday.

Another possibility is music. I thought about this topic a little bit last night at the Homecoming dance but decided I didn't have a good argument for it. Perhaps this was just the result of too many distractions and too little sleep impairing my critical thinking ability.

Last night brought up some more issues for definition as well. The lines between acquaintances, friendships, and relationships for some seemed to be so prevalent and bolded at the dance while for others these lines became so blurred that they are probably in need of redrawing today or over the next week. I have so many thoughts on these definitions flying through my head I can't seem to form an articulate point about any of them yet. Hopefully I will overcome the throbbing bass-induced headache, and 1.5 hours of sleep I've had in the past 54 hours to be able to write a coherent paper on this subject.

So here goes...

Not five minutes after initially posting this, I have already come back and decided that this topic is going to be difficult to write about. Any anecdotes I have to share are ones that I don't know if I'd be comfortable sharing. Maybe I'll overcome this and go for it anyway, but this brings up a new thought:

If the essay is just for an English class, and only a few others in your class and your teacher will be the ones reading it, does it matter what you are divulging?
Or is it easier to divluge personal information to a wide audience of people who don't know you on a personal level and don't really care about you?


  1. Okay, so to answer your question. . . I think that the second instance is a lot easier. When I was writing my very personal college essay, I was so nervous for our peer editing and for Mr. Kunkle to read it. I guess that may have had to do with what I was writing about, but I just remember feeling like I would have felt a lot less like I was being torn into sending it to a complete stranger at a college than I did letting someone who knows me read it.
    Also, I definitely agree that the paper is going to be difficult to write (or I guess WAS difficult for you, assuming that you've started it since you posted this. . . I haven't). I feel like I'm looking at all of my ideas through a cloud. Everything is fuzzy, and whenever I think I might have something, it ends up feeling too personal again.
    Your idea sparked by the dance is an interesting one, though! Don't worry--I won't steal it. I'm one of the last people who should be defining any kind of relationship, but I think I understand what you're getting at.
    Anyway, good luck with you paper! Nice post.

  2. Haha! I read this and literally laughed out loud. I think it's hilarious that you decided, then came back 5 minutes later and said that was too difficult--that's exactly what I did! I originally picked "drive" but then I started to write it, got confused, and picked a new topic. I like the music I idea...I think that's a great thing to expand on, even if we already read about music..

  3. Like Kyla, I found it funny how you came back to tell the reader that you are changing your mind on your topic.

    I know where you're coming from, too. Choosing a topic for this paper was a difficult task.

    Best of luck with your paper!
