Monday, July 13, 2009

The Stink about "Skunk Dreams"

As I began reading Ms. Edrich's story, editorial, article, essay (I don't even know how to classify it), I was really expecting something a little different.

The fact that she started with such descriptive, flowery language had me excited for reading a good story. Then she turned it into what appeared as if it was going to be an article about brain chemistry (still interesting) that started with a cute anecdote. From there Ms. Edrich took a somber tone of dissapointment and dissatisfaction with one's state in life. At one point I even annotated "man this chick is emo!" After her melancholy personal statement, she proceeded with a short-lived environmentalist perspective. Another annotative insight, "from dreams to envrionmentalism, what next?"

If you haven't caught my opinion yet, it's that this piece of writing was either so above my level that I didn't pick up on the point or it was just an organizational mess like a fundraiser run by a middle school student council made up of the girls who were elected solely on their looks; I feel like it was two wheels short of a motorcycle and for you military types: one more foul-up away from a CF.

I am being a bit harsh. I just couldn't tell where she was going with it and I don't feel like I learned particularly much from the writing. It was minimally thought provoking only at the point where it brings up the concept of dreams and the strange way in which game farms are actually good for the outdoors.

Furthermore, I did love the description that was used. I can usually get a pretty good visual image even from non-fiction essays. This was like prose fiction in its descriptive abilities. Ms. Edrich almost gave me a sensory overload. Her descriptiveness entertained me enough to keep reading and i enjoyed her use of language. Of course, I was also humored at the random subject matter.

I can't say that I think this is a good article because I don't really see the point. That is probably to my fault because I don't even like reading fiction anymore. Most of the recent works I've read have been scientific or philosophic essays, political in nature, or history texts. I need to start reading for enjoyment again. Sorry, tangent. However, I dod think that Ms. Edrich is probably a skilled writer and I would like to see some of her poetry or any works of fiction she has done.

1 comment:

  1. "Skunk Dreams" was random. It took me at least three reads before I was sure enough about it to post my response. In contrast, your writing is very clear and even made me smile a few times. Also, you have a point, her writing does remind me of a few fantasy books!
