Thursday, June 25, 2009

Me, me, me, it's gotta be all about ME!

Greetings everyone!

Most of you that are reading this have probably known me for quite some time and many of you may not have. Nevertheless, you're going to learn something about me in the following paragraphs.

My life for the past four years has revolved around high school and those activities that are satellites of it. During the school year, a day for me might involve coming in anywhere between 5:45 or 7:30 in the morning. I might work-out before school and then at least three out of five mornings a week I'll have a meeting. Those activities that require me to attend those meetings are some of the most important, defining parts of who I am...or so it will say in my college application essays. Specifically, those activities are mainly student government related.

The school day is probably the easiest part of my day. I make it through class on the premise that I'll get sleep later that night so I don't have to sleep in class (it turns out I just never sleep). The hardest classes are the ones that are designed to be easy because if I don't like the topic or find it too easy I just won't pay attention and I get really bored. For instance, I hated sitting through Econ and Poli Sci but loved AP Physics and AP US History. From classes I go to a sport.

Yes, sports. Football in the fall, swimming in the winter, track in the spring with an average of two weeks in between each two seasons. Of those two weeks in between, one is usually three days of rest and all the the other days are in the weight room. During football season or swim season, it is not uncommon for me to be at school for over 13 hours. My longest day was probably 5:45 AM-9:00 PM. It's pretty obvious by that evidence and to anyone who knows me, that I put enough time into school-related activities that it's slowly killing me.

It doesn't exist on weeknights usually...unless I get hooked on Facebook and talk to someone for a long time. Bedtime during the school year is 9:00, sometimes as early as 8:00. If homework isn't done by 9:45, it's not getting done that night. Of course, that's going to have to change this year.
On weekends during the school year I either embrace the opportunity to do nothing (but I can't remember the last time I could do that), or hang-out with friends somewhere. During the summers I'm too busy during the day to hang-out but I'm usually out at night.

I have a younger brother that will be a sophmore this year. His name is Joseph and he is beastly. He's bigger than me and looks like a tank. He's finally come to his senses and is putting his power to good work on the football field.
My mother, Toni, is wonderful. There are obviously times that we are at each other's throats for no apparent reason but she'd do anything for me no matter what. She's probably one of the best moms any kid could ask for even if she is a bit protective.
My father's name is Tom. He can never sit down so he's always outside in the garden or going for a walk or something. He's been really into genealogy lately to keep him busy in the cold weather.

My favorite type of music is the blues. When I say blues I mean any and all of it. Anything from Robert Johnson to Eric Clapton to Sonny Boy Williamson to The Who to The Temptations to The Black Keys to G. Love. I'll listen to anything but my favorites are always bluesy and rockin' beats with some soulful vocals or no vocals at all. I enjoy listening to it and playing it on guitar, harmonica, and sometimes piano.

I also really enjoy poetry and the written word in general. I don't like reading it much but I love hearing things read and I love writing them too. That's something I'll bet a lot of people wouldn't guess about me. I like the playfulness of the classic Shel Silverstien's Where the Sidewalk Ends and I like those random inspirational ones. One of the best is The Man in the Glass which is of an anonymous author.

I feel that words, especially in the English language, are some of the most powerful tools, weapons, and instruments that we hold. The best part is that almost everyone is capable of hearing, speaking, or writing them. I love writing and that's why I've signed up for AP Comp and I hope to expand my knowledge and abilities.

I look back on this passage and realize how many times I've referred to myself in the first person and each time I see an "I" or a "me." I've realized something:
It is the sick, self-serving state of our language that the only word to be capitalized regardless of context, situation, or where it appears in a sentence is that word that denotes the speaker or writer as the subject. That single letter is always capitalized and always stands tall and slender above the rest. It would be the Anglo way to create a written language that does this.

It's 11:00 PM now and I promised myself I would be in bed at 9:00 tonight because I've been very tired lately. I can't stop lying to myself. I also can't stop saying that monosyllabic, monocharactered word.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew!

    Good job getting your blog up and running and getting ahead of schedule-- those are some thoughtful posts. Now I'd like you to start following other people’s blogs. Their URLs can be found in the comments to my first post, or on the blogroll that will shortly be added to the class resources page.

    If you have any questions, please let me know. I hope your summer is off to a rousing start, and I’m glad you’re part of this year’s AP Composition experience!

    Mr. Kunkle
